Posts tagged empowerment
What Is The Point of Boudoir Photography?

Boudoir photography is all about capturing sensuality and sexuality in a tasteful, artistic way. It is an intimate experience that can be empowering for women, helping them to feel beautiful and confident in their own skin. Ever wanted just a little "me time"? Boudoir definitely fills a need. It can be a nice break from the mundane day-to-day and an opportunity to focus on yourself and your own pleasure. It's all about feeling sexy, pampered, and beautiful. Whether you're doing it for yourself or as a gift for your partner, boudoir photography is a fun way to celebrate your sexuality.

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For Women, Is Thanksgiving Really A Holiday?

If it's anything like last year, you spent hours cooking dishes from scratch with fresh ingredients. You cooked all day up until dinner time which was great since everyone got to enjoy home-cooked food. The only drawback was that you and the other women in the family were stuck doing all of the cooking and cleanup - and it's not an exaggeration to say that you spent most of Thanksgiving day in the kitchen.

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So You're Telling Me That Naked Photography Is Empowering? Yes!

Whether you're shooting naked for yourself or planning on taking your skills outside of the comfort zone, naked photography allows women's sexuality to shine bright without any shame or fear involved! But remember, there are still people out there who might not like naked images OR who may even find naked photographs offensive. The more naked photography becomes mainstream though, the less likely these things will happen! So keep showing off those beautiful naked female forms everybody!

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What Does Women's Empowerment Mean?

Women's empowerment refers to women gaining power and control over their own lives, women taking actions that allow them to make decisions for themselves, women having opportunities to develop or reach their full potential in society, women being able to participate equally with men, women gaining access and control over resources (material, human and information), women having equitable decision-making power within all aspects of their life; women attaining the ability to live without fear of violence. Seems like a reasonable aspiration for humanity!

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Battling Body Dysmorphia - Boudoir Made Her Feel Empowered!

I love getting feedback from my clients. It helps me improve and know what are the best parts of the service I offer so I can emphasize what really makes coming into the studio a great experience. I was delighted to hear that a woman that came in who was struggling with self esteem and body image issues and found boudoir to be an empowering experience.

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What To Do When You're Not Feeling Beautiful

There are days when we just feel terrible and sometimes the knee-jerk feeling is we’re not beautiful enough. Have you ever suffered a setback in work or relationships and surely it was because you weren’t attractive enough? Sometimes the line between cause and effect isn’t even that clear but we end up in a negative loop and we’re convinced that something is wrong and can never be fixed?

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Knowing when to say NO: 5 Rules of Thumb

Do you suffer from “people pleaser syndrome”? Do you have a hard time saying “no” to people who request your help? Well, you’re probably a good person, but you may also feel walked on or used. You may feel overwhelmed and without enough time to do everything. People like this are often well liked by people around them, but internally, they are unhappy. I am a recovering people-pleaser :), but often fall back into bad habits.

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6 Tips to be Confident in Any Situation -- Like a Boudoir Shoot! (Infographic)

First, I can assure you that a boudoir shoot at my studio is nothing to be worried about! I do everything in my power to make it a wonderful experience and make you look and feel you know what you’re doing. However, butterflies still happen to all of us unexpectedly. The good news is that you can do somethings to help you calm your mind about experiences that give you trepidation.

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