Posts tagged empowering
Why Barbie the Movie is More Than Just a Toy Story

Barbie the Movie is a blockbuster hit that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. It's easy to dismiss it as just another toy story, but it is so much more than that. It's a movie that explores gender roles, toxic masculinity, feminism, mother-daughter relationships, inclusion, diversity, humor, and music. In this blog, we take a closer look at why Barbie the Movie is not just a feel-good movie but a powerful tool for changing the way we think about ourselves and our place in the world.

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So You're Telling Me That Naked Photography Is Empowering? Yes!

Whether you're shooting naked for yourself or planning on taking your skills outside of the comfort zone, naked photography allows women's sexuality to shine bright without any shame or fear involved! But remember, there are still people out there who might not like naked images OR who may even find naked photographs offensive. The more naked photography becomes mainstream though, the less likely these things will happen! So keep showing off those beautiful naked female forms everybody!

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Battling Body Dysmorphia - Boudoir Made Her Feel Empowered!

I love getting feedback from my clients. It helps me improve and know what are the best parts of the service I offer so I can emphasize what really makes coming into the studio a great experience. I was delighted to hear that a woman that came in who was struggling with self esteem and body image issues and found boudoir to be an empowering experience.

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