So You're Telling Me That Naked Photography Is Empowering? Yes!

Naked photography is an empowering medium for women because it allows them to see the naked female form in a very positive way, plus it's fun!

Naked photography is a form of art. However, it's been somewhat shrouded in secrecy for years. It was as if nude photography was done in secret so no one could find out about it. But now that naked photography has reached the digital age, people are able to share nude images with others around the world by using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter OR just keep it to themselves to appreciate and enjoy!

The great thing about naked photography is that you get to see naked women everywhere. It's not just meant for hardcore pornography junkies anymore; it can be appreciated by anyone and everyone who wants to see it! Nude selfies are also taking off on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, giving naked female artists even more of a platform to share their work with the world.


As nude selfies continue to take off and as more nude photographers pop up on social media, naked photography is going to continue to gain more and more popularity. It's the perfect time for naked photography to really take off. Not only are nude selfies gaining traction on social media platforms, but naked female artists are also gaining a lot of popularity with their nude art as well!

I love naked photography because it is an empowering medium for women in that we are celebrating our bodies through nakedness. I am so tired of having to see semi-naked women all over magazines, on TV, etc., and then be advertised makeup products which claim they will help me look like these models! We need naked photography so we can finally see what our naked bodies really look like before being retouched hundreds of times by magazine editors or just airbrushed out of the picture entirely. I love naked photography and nude selfies because they are raw, un-retouched images that women everywhere can celebrate nakedness with others!

Nude selfies are empowering because you get to see honest naked photos of actual naked women who aren't afraid to let it all hang out for everyone to see! We finally have a medium where we can be naked without feeling ashamed or embarrassed about our bodies! Nude selfies nowadays are used as an art form in many forms.

It's empowering because naked photography puts you (the model) in control. It gives you power to put yourself out there and let others see what you've created. It makes naked photography an art form that is yours to control, not anyone else's. You get to decide who sees your naked photographs or not!

While naked photographs on their own can be beautiful simply for the fact that it shows a woman naked, many women want more out of naked photo shoots than just pictures; they want something tangible as well. Many women want to take naked photography one step further and add burlesque, pole dancing or stripping into the mix. They combine naked photos with other talents that allow them to express themselves using their bodies. Naked photography is a very unique art form because it can be used in many different ways by many different people.


Whether you're shooting naked for yourself or planning on taking your skills outside of the comfort zone, naked photography allows women's sexuality to shine bright without any shame or fear involved! But remember, there are still people out there who might not like naked images OR who may even find naked photographs offensive. The more naked photography becomes mainstream though, the less likely these things will happen! So keep showing off those beautiful naked female forms everybody!