Selfie Game Lacking??? Here's How to Take A Perfect Selfie!

How to get that perfect Selfie.png

The selfie photo is a staple of your social media feed. You can share cute pet pics and re-share memes all you want but your friends and fans expect some personalization in your feed. In a way, the selfies you post on your wall answer the question “How are you doing?”. They subtly tell a story about your health, your mood, your latest style choices, where you’re traveling and who you’re spending time with.

  1. Always think about lighting. You should keep your phone between you and the light source. You need ample light, but getting too close to the light source will highlight wrinkles and blemishes. Consider a case with a light for a small investment.

  2. Be careful with mirrors. Crop your phone out of the final image and be careful about what’s captured in the background—don’t catch a toilet brush in the bathroom mirror or some distracting action in the corner of a reflective window on the street.

  3. Tilt your phone, not your head. Diagonal lines are interesting in images. That’s why the head tilt is really eye-catching “What does she know that I don’t???””. If you tilt your phone it can create a nice visual line without making your neck look strained.

  4. Know your angles. Practice selfies until you find the pose, angle and expression that look the best. Most people look better when the camera is above them. Extend your head from your neck and bring your shoulders down. For a serious expression, relax your mouth and gently blow air out your lips.

  5. Variety is good. Didn’t I just say figure out your best pose? Well don’t do that same shot every time! Make sure that your selfie has something fresh about it each time—you don’t want to crowd your feed with the same shot. Variety can come from a new outfit, a prop, an interesting new background or a co-star!

  6. You’re not limited to one shot! Keep snapping and try a few different things when you have the phone out. You’ll appreciate the variety as you’re sifting through what actually gets shared.

  7. Utilize Filters. Depending on the platform where you share you may want to try a filter as long as it aligns with the theme of the image. For example, don’t use “flickering neon” when you’re in a beautiful garden in the middle of the day.

  8. Try a selfie stick. This can help you vary your shots much more than just using the length of your arm.

It’s also important to look great in photos that others take of you! see my tips here.
