Love and Celebrate that Maternity Body!

All bodies are beautiful. We're able to do so much with them, if we treat our bodies well, they will give so much back. What if we were able to turn our instinctively critical gaze on ourselves in a positive manner? How much more beautiful would all of us feel then.

There is no better time to appreciate and love your body than when you are pregnant. There is no more precious time than when the beautiful potential of delivering a new life awaits.

However, one of the best things about pregnancy is that it's temporary :) Pregnancy was a bit of a challenge for me between the morning sickness, the weight gain, the insomnia and the numerous other sudden physical changes.

Pregnancy gives you an opportunity to try on different shapes, sizes, and styles of clothes and lingerie! Many women feel insecure about their maternity bodies but there is no need for this insecurity because pregnant bodies are beautiful!

Enjoy this beautiful soon-to-be mom and her amazing shoot below!