This is What Clever Women Do: Find the Balance Between Smart and Sexy

Are you a woman who wants to be smart AND sexy? Well, I'm here to tell you that yes, you can! It's difficult for women in today's society because we're expected to meet so many different expectations. We need to be skinny and somehow curvy at the same time. We need to have an amazing career and still maintain a perfect house.

Clever women have every right to be sexy! And, we can be smart AND sexy. Don't believe me? Let me show you how by giving you some tips. This is what clever women do:

Tip #1: Be confident! Confidence is a huge turn on for men and women alike. It's not about being overconfident or feeling the need to put others down, it's about opening up your own world of possibilities in order to become self-assured in who you are and what you have to offer as an individual.

Tip #2: Dress according to your body type! There are so many different styles out there that allow all types of bodies (petite, hourglass, apple shaped) be sexy and feel empowered while doing so. In addition, dress with colors that complement your skin tone and hair color best--this will make YOU look and feel good.

Tip #3: Wear clothes that make you look curvier! Get rid of the baggy sweaters and loose jeans, invest in some form-fitting clothing to take your shape from average or "ok" to utterly amazing.

The most important thing I want to say is this: be yourself! Even if we are expected to do certain things because society expects them from us as women, we shouldn't change who we are just because someone else wants us too. What makes you stand out? It might not be what other people think is sexy

This is what clever women do--we find a balance between smart AND sexy.