How To Stay Positive When Everything In The News Is Negative


It's hard to stay positive when everything in the news seems to be negative. No matter what you do, it appears that the world is falling apart and there's nothing you can do about it. But that doesn't have to be true!

A lot of what we perceive to be true across the board is skewed by the information we're presented with. The information we're presented with is engineered to get our attention and that tends to be the alarming news rather than the soothing news. So take what you read with a grain of salt--it's not always representative of reality.

The truth is, we all have the ability to change our perception of things. It's just a matter of taking actionable steps and creating new habits that will help you in your journey towards positivity. There are many resources out there to boost happiness levels and improve mental wellness such as meditations, prayers for healing or positive affirmations.


Obviously, we are only just emerging from a global pandemic. Whatever our attitude about it has been, it has created a huge amount of negativity for all of us. However, there are many things we can do to help ourselves feel better despite all of the pandemic's direct and indirect effects.

Let's talk about some ways to keep our moods up even if everything else around feels like it's going terribly.

  • Read some uplifting news: One thing that's easy to do is read the headlines of an article and then take a screen shot of it. You can use this screenshot as your phone wallpaper or lock screen background so you're constantly reminded that there are still good things happening in our world even when everything else feels terrible.

  • Try to stay informed. Create an alerts (Google alerts for example) for topics you care about and create a list of the sources that provide quality, objective reporting on those issues. Read articles from these outlets as often as possible to ensure you're getting your news without bias or spin-doctoring.

  • Learn more about what is happening in your community by attending town hall meetings and get to know your local representatives.

  • Get out of the house: There are a lot of opportunities to volunteer in your community, go on walks or bike rides with friends, attend outdoor events-anything that gets you outside and away from screens for a while can help make you feel more connected to something positive.

  • Focus on what you can do to make a difference for good in the world and your own small circle.

Life is hard, but there are also many things we cannot control. Negativity can be crippling and can limit our ability to grow. We CAN control our outlook and our attitude. We should all resolve to stay positive to the extent possible even when everything in the news is negative!