Yes, It's OK To Enjoy Life

It's OK to enjoy yourself, your life and the pleasures of life. As much as we argue that happiness comes from within, it doesn't mean it's not part of well being or well-being because well-being includes all aspects of your quality of life – physical, psychological and social well-being.  

People focus on income too much in their pursuit to reach hedonic happiness; they forget other ways they can be happy without having huge bank accounts. Yet, there are many simple pleasures in this world that can make us happy without spending too much – like talking with friends over coffee at Starbucks or taking walks.


Hedonic happiness is well-being. It comes from within by choosing to be happy even when you're having a bad day or facing health issues, for example. But well being also includes your physical well being – your body; and psychological well-being – your mind (mental health); and social well-being – how you interact with people. These three aspects of well-being are essential to your quality of life and make it possible for you to enjoy this world while trying to escape the rat race .

The simple pleasures in life are things that cultivate hedonic happiness without the distraction of monetary income such as going out with friends, talking over coffee at Starbucks or taking walks. The trick is knowing what kind of simple pleasures you need to cultivate well being and well-being.

Forcing yourself to be happy when you're not will drive you crazy or make you depressed, as well as draining your energy.  If your happiness level is below what it should be, it can impact the quality of life and well-being overall . So instead of forcing happiness on yourself, you have to first find out how to get rid of things that make you feel like crap such as doing something productive but feeling miserable because you don't want to do it — this is an example of an unneeded stressor in your life that could eventually create depression.  

To reach well-being and well-being, one must learn habits that are good for our well being and happiness. It takes time to practice well being and well-being but it will be well worth it in the end because well being, well-being and hedonistic happiness are intertwined.

To put well-being into action, you have to start by identifying things that cause stress in your life. Most people don't want to take on more commitments for fear of overloading their schedules; well this is something we all must reckon with – are we doing too much? Are there things in our lives that make us feel unhappy or depressed? Do not ignore how you feel about certain things because ignoring how you really feel has created depression among many others. In fact, many depressed people do not even realize they're suffering from depression until someone tells them they are. And not only that, there are well-known behavioral symptoms which can clue someone into the fact that something is wrong, such as lack of interest in things you used to enjoy or feeling hopeless – if any of these symptoms apply to you please seek professional help before it becomes too late.


If your well-being and well being is suffering due to stress (too many obligations), take time out for yourself and ask yourself what kind of simple pleasures will cultivate hedonic happiness without distraction. Here's where well being comes into action because well being allows us to do the goals we want; well being is our internal motivation to chase after our dreams because we believe in ourselves and know that we can reach those goals. Well being gives us the internal motivation to do well in school or at work so we can reach those goals without feeling like a failure.  

At Starbucks , well-being comes into play when you stop comparing yourself to other people (because well being is about looking inward) and instead choose one of your favorite drinks such as an ice blended green tea. You'll remember the last time you were there competing with others for an open table – well it won't happen again if you take my advice and get your own cup to avoid getting hassled – otherwise, well-being gone!  

To have well being over material possessions, go back to the well-being question: "Does this item bring me happiness?" If no, then don't buy it. If well being is important to you, well-being must be cultivated and well being must take action if well being wants to get what well being wants – well-being has to take steps toward that goal and not just sit around thinking about it.  

For well-being , well-being does a lot of things on its own as long as they are aligned with the goals well-being sets out for itself. So stop procrastinating and do something productive which will cultivate happiness without distraction like reading a book (which forces us to slow down). I read Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People while commuting and never once did I feel miserable because I was doing something productive -- in fact, I felt great because well-being was taking well-being into action by reading well being.  

To make well-being part of your daily routine, well-being should never be forgotten and well-being must always be in action – well-being is a 24/7 thing not just something you do when it's convenient for you so remember to practice well-being at all times if well-being wants the best chance of success.  Well-being is successful when we do what we love doing even if its challenging but keep pushing through these challenges with positive attitude because well being only grows stronger from overcoming obstacles – well being loves challenges.