How to Break the Negative Diet Cycle


The diet cycle is a vicious one. It's like an unhealthy yo-yo that is mercilessly dragging you down, and the more weight you lose, the harder it becomes to break free. Some diets are so punishing they can only last a short period before the dieter has to quit, and binge on food to feel normal again--then gain weight and feel guilty and re-embark on a diet again! This cycle appears and reappears for many of us who are trying to look and feel our best.

But don't despair! There are ways to break out of this damaging pattern without resorting to overly punishing diets or starvation tactics. Read on for some tips about how to eat healthy and living well without guilt!

Generally, dieting refers to limiting food intake to help achieve weight loss. There can be some variation in goals or with how food is limited (it's not always just cutting calories). The goals could be to hit a certain weight or to fit a clothing size or even more general like "looking like a lingerie model". Even better, these goals can apply to performance or feeling healthier.

Dieting is difficult for just about everyone and really, no one should have to go without food or suffer. There are some tips that can help avoid negative diet cycles! For example:

- If you want a treat once in a while--have it! Maybe not every day but having a small piece of cake once in awhile will make the craving less intense.

- Stay active. Take walks, go for a bike ride or swim laps when you can. Try to build in more active tasks in your daily routine away from the computer, couch and television.

- Don't get too hungry. Skipping meals or fasting can slow your metabolism and make you crave even more food and then quickly lose focus. Eat enough calories with a balanced diet to fuel your body without feeling like it's starving.

- Keep track of what goes in your mouth. Sometimes the act of tracking on its own helps you make better choices.

-Make healthier choices about what you buy, cook and eat. Choose whole foods over processed foods; vegetables and whole grains over refined grains.

There are a few reasons why many people struggle with dieting:

  • They think that they can will themselves to eat fewer calories and just ignore their hunger.

  • They rely exclusively on diet to achieve their goals when exercising and lifestyle changes could greatly support their journey.

  • There are underlying medical conditions. Some medications slow down metabolism. Sometimes your body isn't consuming or processing certain nutrients. Check with your physician before embarking on these goals.

  • They have no plan. They just try to constantly "eat less" or just ignore cravings. With a plan in mind you can ensure that your body is getting enough fuel and nutrition to function in a healthy way.

Society's view on beauty can have a detrimental effect on body image affect our self-esteem. The primary goal of any diet should be to improve health! For many people who are overweight, losing a few pounds could really boost health. For others, there are more worthy health goals--like trying to improve energy or overall well-being.


In order to create sustainable habits and break the cycle of unhealthy dieting, we must change our mindset from a restrictive mentality that is obsessed with being thin to one where health is paramount because it prolongs both life and happiness. We need to focus on behavior rather than a number on a scale.

Great. So now let’s talk about how to break out of the diet cycle and achieve healthy eating habits that are sustainable long-term. Know what you're trying to do and why so when there's temptation or an obstacle, you can remember your goal. Dieting is difficult for just about everyone and really, no one should have to go without food or suffer. There are some tips that can help avoid negative diet cycles! For example:

  • If you want a treat once in a while--have it! Maybe not every day but having a small piece of cake once in awhile will make the craving less intense.

  • Stay active. Take walks, go for a bike ride or swim laps when you can. Try to build in more active tasks in your daily routine away from the computer, couch and television.

  • Don't get too hungry. Skipping meals or fasting can slow your metabolism and make you crave even more food and then quickly lose focus. Eat enough calories with a balanced diet to fuel your body without feeling like it's starving.

  • Keep track of what goes in your mouth. Sometimes the act of tracking on its own helps you make better choices.

  • Make healthier choices about what you buy, cook and eat. Choose whole foods over processed foods; vegetables and whole grains over refined grains.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be a punishment. You can make it something you enjoy by trying new, fun recipes and incorporating exercise into your daily routine. If you're feeling like you need more help with this process or just want some encouragement from someone who's "been there," there are professionals and science backed resources to help.

Bottom line is I believe that the most beautiful, empowered women are those who feel great about themselves and feel confident with where they are headed! Treat yourself to a boudoir session!