Inexpensive Lingerie From Amazon That Actually Looks Great!
I get requests for lingerie recommendations on a daily basis. I have written extensively on the topic! See my posts here, here and here. You should match your look to both your personal style, and that which is most flattering to you! Highlight your best assets!
One specific request I get occasionally is to share some information about inexpensive lingerie, which I’m happy to do. I’ve recently found Amazon to be a good source for inexpensive lingerie. Inexpensive is sometimes a nice term for “cheap”, or “comes apart in the laundry”. For the purposes of intimate lingerie for a photo shoot, that might be the only time it ever gets worn! If it gets worn more often than that it probably doesn’t stay on long (wink).
Here are a few examples that I’ve seen in the studio:
Lovely outfit, flattering for almost every body type. Fun and sexy.
If you’ve got it, flaunt it
This you can buy on Amazon here.
$12.88, not bad!
Here’s another:
Oh mama!
You can buy the near equivalent here.
$15.99 is a steal