To Retouch or Not Retouch?

“A queen never leaves her throne to address peasants throwing stones.”

― Stella Ralfini

Photographers are all well versed in the tools of retouching. It’s just a fundamental tool of the trade. Retouching means different things to different people. I think to a photographer, the spectrum of what “retouching” or “photoshopping” is a lot wider than non-photographers generally understand. For instance, sometimes I fix something as simple as a freckle or a flyaway hair. Some non-photographers immediately think of photoshopping as adding UFOs to an image.

However, even within the bounds of what I would be willing to do, retouching can be divisive among my clients. Some ladies I’ve worked with immediately clutch their pearls at the thought of retouching their photos. What they don’t realize is that re-touching is not just a simple issue of creating beauty that doesn’t exist otherwise.

First, when I take photos of a client, I have already created an artificial environment. We’re shooting inside a commercial studio, not inside your bedroom. This studio has been set up with ideal colors, framing, textures, and lighting to create a beautiful image. I have professional-grade cameras and lenses. My clients have had their hair and makeup styled by a professional. They are wearing lingerie which is much more elaborate than what they typically wear everyday.

I completely respect clients that choose to leave untouched: blemishes, tan lines, wrinkles, rolls, zits. I just don’t want anyone thinking that even with un-retouched photos this is still somewhat of a creation, not gritty realism.

My passport photo is one of the most remarkable photographs I have ever seen- no retouching, no shadows, no flattery-just stark me.

-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

On the other hand, I think there is a lot that can be done with subtle retouching if my clients desire. I provide retouching free-of-charge, and I strive to make these small modifications undetectable.

My personal preference is for some minor retouching with almost every client. We’re already creating a beautiful fantasy, why stop at the small things that photoshop can do?
