Let's make wearing a mask more bearable for long periods

Wear a mask

More and more studies show that wearing a mask is crucial to prevent the spread of COVID-19. With the infection numbers continuing to grow, it’s clear that the pandemic isn’t going away anytime soon. Mask-wearing is going to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future.

At the same time, many people experience discomfort wearing a mask for long periods, for a variety of reasons. Many things that are good, are difficult. Let’s make the best of it and do our part to battle this pandemic! (We’ll leave aside the political liberty topic for a different kind of blog.) There are definitely some things we can do to make wearing a mask more comfortable. Here are a few tips:

  • Beat the heat. Of course this week was a hot one in Chicago, and the masks don’t help. Pull your hair back and out of your face to enable more circulation.

  • Glasses fogging? Try washing your glasses, gently, with soap and water. The soap will leave a minuscule film that will prevent fogging. Also check the fit of your mask to make sure you are breathing out through the mask and not out the top.

  • Make that mask smell good! Try rubbing a dryer sheet on the inside of the mask at the start of the day and keep minty gum or menthol cough drops with you to keep things fresh.

  • Protect your skin. For those with oily skin, consider moisturizing less or avoiding heavy makeup under the mask. For those with dry skin, take extra care to moisturize cheeks.

Check out my COVID shoot here.



