You are worth it!

There are a lot of messages out there about our worth and our place in the world.  Messages that come at us constantly from all directions - the media, from celebrities, from our friends and family. 

Some are helpful messages and some are not.  

Some of the messages that we receive fill our hearts and remind us of our infinite worth and our unlimited potential. 

girl in black lingerie on bed

Other messages deflate us and tell us that we can never measure up and that we will never be enough.

Today I want to send you a message that I believe is true.  Straight from my heart. 

Wherever you are when you are reading this, I want you to know that I truly believe in your value as a unique human here on Earth. 

You matter.  

Your desires matter.  

Your voice matters.  

black strappy lingerie in boudoir photoshoot

There is nothing that you can ever do (or not do) that will make you less valuable as a human being.

You are unique.

You are beautiful.

You are strong.

You are loved.

You are brave.

You are gorgeous.

You are powerful.

woman wearing blue lingerie with red lip

You are amazing.


black lacy lingerie with robe in a boudoir photoshoot

Love & hugs from your local boudoir photographer


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