Do you need a social media detox?

Do you need a social media detox?

Like it or not, social media is a huge part of our daily lives.

Even if you never log into Facebook or Instagram, our society and people around us are still shaped by social media forces.

As your local boudoir photographer, I want you to feel empowered and I see social media as both a blessing and a curse.

On the one hand, social media allows us to connect with loved ones, learn new things and expand our horizons.

On the other hand, social media can also cause us to doubt ourselves, play small and compare ourselves unnecessarily to others.

Let’s get real:

Are you feeling like social media is making you feel bad about yourself, particularly about your body? 

Does social media help you to feel MORE or LESS empowered?

Do you feel less motivated after scrolling through Facebook?

Do you feel like you are less worthy than other people because of photos you see on Instagram?

Take a look at the social media accounts that you follow and be honest with yourself: How do they make you feel?  Do you feel jealous? Angry? Sad? Deflated?

If so, you might benefit from a social media detox!

Take time to unfollow a few of those accounts.  My guess is that you won’t miss them at all.  You might start to feel a lightness and a clarity that comes from not seeing that kind of material.

I want you to feel empowered every single day.  I want you to know your greatness and share it with others. 

Let’s do this together!

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