Add A Boudoir Shoot To Your Bucket List

The idea behind boudoir shoots is that women can enjoy looking at themselves as sexual beings by viewing images that show them in their most attractive light. Do you think it's something for you? It should be!

Here we introduce you to eight reasons why you should add a boudoir shoot to your bucket list:

1. Have the chance to capture a sensual and bold side of yourself

The boudoir shoot is for women who want to show their boldest self. The whole point behind having this kind of photography session is that you will be 100% comfortable with your own body and the process itself. You are not only showing your bolder side but also empowering yourself by feeling beautiful in front of the camera.

2. Celebrate your authentic sexuality and femininity

It's undeniable that humans are sexual beings; in fact, we can easily notice it every day through different media outlets that play with our identity as human beings created from God's image and likeness (Genesis 1:27). However, we live in a culture where sex has become cheapened and filled with shame, and this needs to change. What is being done by boudoir shoots is that women can feel liberated about their sexuality and femininity.

3. Experience a more confident version of yourself—for you and your spouse!

A bold move like having a boudoir shoot captures boldness in the boldest way possible, therefore it's likely for you to show more confidence throughout different aspects of your life. It will make you feel bolder in certain scenarios where we are usually shy or insecure (e.g., when meeting new people). Also, your husband will be completely surprised when he sees the photos as they were taken without him knowing anything about it! He'll recognize an amazing wife he has so he will be bolder in his role as a man of the family, and so you will both be bolder together.

4. Receive bold and confident feedback from your husband


You will be surprised with the boldness of your man after he sees the photos. Your spouse is likely to admire you more and recognize that you are bolder than what he has imagined! Men who realize how bold their wives really are have a tendency to feel bolder as well, so it's likely for him to show more boldness in certain scenarios where we are usually shy or insecure (e.g., when talking about sex). The truth is most men want bold women because they know that being bold represents a mature side of femininity, which shows strength and intelligence at the same time.

5. Promote body love by taking back ownership over your body!

All women need to take bold moves that help them realize how beautiful they are and how valuable their life is. One very bold way to do this is by taking bold photographs of the body you have been given! It's a way to promote self-acceptance and self-love in order to take back ownership over your body.

6. Experience an amazing boudoir photographer who will make you feel bolder than ever before

During the process, you will be accompanied with a boudoir photographer who will guide you through every step of it. The photographer takes pride in making women feel bold each time he or she shoots one of these photography sessions, and people tend to feel even bolder after having had a conversation with this kind of person.

7. Experience boldness in community

After the photos are ready, you will be able to see yourself in bold company! It is likely for your best friends to compliment you when they view the pictures as it's not common for them to see bold pictures of their friend. So this is an amazing opportunity to spend time with bold people who share your story of what boldness is and looks like!

8. Recognize the power of boldness and how it can change lives

Being bold helps women feel liberated from shame and make them more confident as well. That confidence can reach their family, even children, because there is a higher chance that mothers will show more boldness toward their children if they have been having boudoir shoots because they feel bolder. Pretty soon, boldness can become contagious and lead to bold communities that support each other in the process of becoming bolder individuals!

The truth is we all have a lot on our bucket list but it's time to add boudoir shoots to it because your body is worthy (1 Timothy 4:12) of being honoured through bold moves like these. It doesn't matter whether you're single or married; having boudoir photos taken is a bold step toward self-love and freedom from the daily shame that we are fed by society.

Pretty bold, right?

So what are you waiting for? Add a boudoir shoot to your bucket list today!