What are your fears before a boudoir photoshoot? Real talk at the Chicago Boudoir Photography Studio

Here at the Chicago Boudoir Photography studio, we have women from all walks of life who come to the studio for a fun, empowering experience. But that doesn’t mean that they are free from fears before they come in.

Before a boudoir photoshoot, you might be thinking:
Will I look good in my photos?
Will I be confident enough to show the photos to my partner and friends?
Will the photoshopping on the boudoir photos look natural?
Will I want an album, a digital download or both?

It’s very normal to have these kinds of questions before coming into the Chicago Boudoir Photography studio for a photoshoot. We’ll be with you every step of the way!

A couple of things that might put your mind at ease:

We’ve photographed hundreds of women at our studio - this isn’t our first rodeo!
You will get to see all of the photos from your boudoir photoshoot before you even leave the studio!
You will get to choose the amount of photoshopping that we do on your photos. Some people want a lot of photoshopping, some people want none at all.
We offer boudoir albums, digital downloads, prints and gift items. You will get to see samples at the studio before you make a purchase.

Here’s what Ms. M had to say about her photoshoot experience with us at Chicago Boudoir:

What was your main reason for booking a boudoir shoot?: It was for myself. It has always been on my bucket list to try a fun photoshoot. I think overtime I’ve lost my confidence which has affected me personally and professionally. I thought this might be a fun way to regain it back because I’ve always thought boudoir photos were sexy and exquisite. The women in the photos look beautiful and yet powerful at the same time. I just wanted this photoshoot for ME!

What was your biggest fear before or during your boudoir shoot?: My biggest fear was how I would look in the photos and also not being comfortable in front of the photographer. I had a lot of thoughts and fears in my head before the photoshoot, to be honest!

How did the shoot turn out? / Tell us your favorite part about your boudoir shoot experience.: The shoot turned out amazing!!! Rosie did a beautiful job on my makeup which I thought was absolutely stunning. And whatever Liz did with her extraordinary photography skills I can’t describe in words. The poses I thought would look awkward were so flattering. I did ask for some touch-ups, the photos are still very much real and me. The whole shoot was just so enjoyable and something I would absolutely do with them again.

Did you give your boudoir photos as a gift? How have you enjoyed your photos since the shoot?: I originally did not plan on showing these photos to anyone, even my husband! Only because I was not sure how they would turn out. When I looked at my proofs, I was stunned at how much I liked them. I did end up showing the album to my husband and he loves the photos. But like I said, this shoot was more for me than anyone else. It seems vain, but I still look through the album thinking, “Wow that’s me and I actually did that!”

Is there anything else you'd like to share? / Is there anything we can improve?: The all-inclusive package is really nice with the makeup and the photo shoot, as well as the viewing. It makes it less stressful to get ready for because everything is done at the studio. I can’t think of anything to really improve because it was more than I expected! Thank you for the fun boudoir photoshoot!