"A boudoir photoshoot was a way to celebrate ME!" - Ms. R shares her boudoir photoshoot experience at the Chicago Boudoir Photography Studio

A common misconceptions about a boudoir photoshoot is that you have to take the photos for a partner. While a boudoir photoshoot does make a fun gift for a partner or spouse, a boudoir photoshoot can be just for you! A boudoir photoshoot is a way to celebrate your journey and your unique beauty.

Here’s Ms. R’s description of her boudoir photoshoot at the Chicago Boudoir Photography studio. She came to the studio just for HER. Not to give a gift, not to create the photos for someone else, but just to celebrate herself and to feel confident and empowered.

Check out what she had to say about her boudoir photoshoot:

What was your main reason for booking a boudoir shoot?: I did a boudoir photoshoot for self-empowerment. I recently had some difficult life challenges. I came out stronger and wanted to celebrate my strength and my gratitude for life. A boudoir photoshoot was a way to celebrate ME!

What was your biggest fear before or during your boudoir shoot?: I didn't have fears because I spoke with Liz before the shoot and she is an amazing woman that understands the importance of body positivity and confidence. She made me feel comfortable with the first phone call. I was just excited for my photoshoot from the start!

How did the shoot turn out? / Tell us your favorite part about your boudoir shoot experience.: The shoot turned out beautifully. My favorite part was the liberating experience to boost confidence. I love the photos and I will always remember this boudoir photoshoot experience at the Chicago Boudoir Photography studio.

Did you give your boudoir photos as a gift? How have you enjoyed your photos since the shoot?: I did this boudoir shoot for myself. The photos are a reminder of my strength.

Is there anything else you'd like to share? / Is there anything we can improve?: I had a fabulous time! Liz works hard as a photographer during your shoot so your photos come out so beautifully. I can’t wait to do another lingerie photoshoot!