How to Look Confident on Camera: Where to Look, Facial Expressions, & Body Language


It's undeniable that our society is communicating in visual media more frequently. With the advent of social media, it's not just the written word that matters anymore- we want to see as well! What does this mean for you? You need to be able to present yourself confidently on camera if you want people to take you seriously. Whether you're giving a speech or presenting your company in a video, it's important to know what will make your audience feel confident in your abilities and believe in your message.

From my perspective as a boudoir photographer, this is a skill that can be learned--even in a short time. No expertise required to look like a beautiful siren in the Chicago Boudoir studio. Here are a few things to keep in mind whenever you're on camera (whether it's photography or video).

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  • When you're on camera, it's important to keep in mind that the action is taking place within a frame and viewed on a screen. It's also important to remember that just because you can't see your audience doesn't mean someone else isn't watching! Keep your eyes on the camera, even if you can see yourself in real time. In fact, whenever you shoot video, try to turn off the mirrored video so you don't get distracted. Viewers can tell when you're not focused.

  • Be conscious of your facial expressions when you are on camera. Try to relax. You don't want to keep an unblinking stare or a contorted face because you are too nervous or tense. Amplify your emotions when you're on camera, especially when you are taking up the frame--you need to be interesting and engaging. Big teethy smiles and energetic facial expression can go a long way. Keep in mind that you can also apply your energy to calm and sultry faces too.

  • Practice in the mirror so you can know your best angles. Study photos you've taken in the past so you can replicate head tilts, size of smile and subtle details that make you look your best. Do you have any bad habits you should fix like scrunching your eyes or do you just not smile enough?

  • Utilize good posture. Leaning back makes you look withdrawn or disinterested and leaning too far forward can make you look intense or aggressive. You may vary your posture slightly but err on the side of leaning into the camera.

  • Dress for success in front of the camera. Just like you practice your facial expressions, you should also know what outfits and styles make you look best. Have great arms? Does your hair look better parted to the side or brushed back?

  • When you are on camera, it's important to keep in mind that the action is taking place within a frame and viewed on a screen. Be conscious of what you're doing while you're on camera and assume that each action has an effect on the perception you convey.

As a professional, I'm able to draw out great photography from anyone. Consider booking a session with Chicago Boudoir Photography to capture your best looks.