Five People to Unfriend on Social Media

I’m a big fan of social media. It connects us in a unique way and gives us access to friends and loved ones who are far away. Like most of you, I’m on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snap, Linkedin, and Pinterest.

Social media is fun, but sometimes there’s also need to reduce our friends lists on social media. Perhaps we’ve been folowing some of our connections for years and the interest for a relationship is now waning. Sometimes we just get an itch to simplify. Maybe we have an interest in limiting our sharing of personal information. Outside of deleting a social profile entirely, even just removing a few connections can give us that “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” rush.

Of course there are also just people you should dump now—no need to wait for spring cleaning.

Here are 5 types of people that you should unfriend on social media without any guilt:

  1. The over-poster: This is someone who is super active on social media, way out of wack with how much you’d really like to hear from them. She’s at the top of your feed every time you open the app. She re-posts every mundane thing she reads, and likes every one of your posts. Her posts include updates on everything from her stubbed toe to her toothpaste cap.

  2. Always be closing: She’s got something to sell you and she’s not going to quit. There’s always a promotion that is about to run out and a few slots left!!! What’s more, you can start your own downstream and enjoy all of the wealth and freedom she’s earned. Don’t worry, this won’t interfere with your friendship!

  3. They won’t take NO for an answer: two categories, the unwanted suitor and the unwanted hangout. The unwanted suitor is persistently chasing your heart, constantly complimenting you until trying to guilt you into a date, “Nobody wants to date a nice guy!” he’ll say. The unwanted hang out is always determined to meet for drinks or coffee but your gut tells you they are just interested in unloading their life complaints on you.

  4. Not just political, but wanting to fight someone: Has anyone had a good experience talking politics on social media? If you answer yes, you’d be the first that I am aware of. Most of us have been smacked down and pilloried for venturing into the political arena. However, there are people that enjoy being a provocation to get this kind of negative attention on purpose. These are really people to avoid. Whether or not you agree with them just puts you in the position of having to fight in a forum where there is no forgiveness and the potential to be screenshot and doxxed to the wrong people.

  5. You wouldn’t be friends in real life: So maybe you met at a party or a networking event. Maybe you’re a friend of a friend or a second cousin. Maybe you used to work together or had a class together one time. In any case, those connections never turned into hanging out together and years have passed yet you’re still connected. Though you may have nothing against this person, you just don’t really have the bandwidth to care about someone who you’ll likely never cross paths with again.

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