Self-Improvement During Quarantine is Going to Save Your Sanity
This has been a difficult time for just about everyone. People have suffered major illness, death of loved ones, termination of employment or disruption to finances, canceled weddings, graduations and a multitude of other losses. Not surprisingly, stress and anxiety are on the rise.
Additionally, there are many other good things that we can do to help occupy minds with positivity.
A social media pause. With little else to do for recreation many spend more time on social media. The CDC recommends taking breaks from watching news constantly as that can cause additional stress.
Reading is a great way to relax your mind and reduce stress. It opens up doors to new worlds, builds empathy and knowledge.
Learn a new skill. Whatever the future holds, it’s likely to be slightly different and we’ll need new skills or approaches to adapt. There are many free resources to learn new skills and even obtain certifications.
Write. Sometimes an alternate medium for communication can bring out thoughts and emotions that are hard to express otherwise.
Cook - in quarantine we tend to be much more sedentary. Time to take control of what you eat so you can avoid putting on the pounds. Cooking can be relaxing and satisfying as well.
Avoid excessive alcohol and drug use. Substance abuse may increase anxiety, depression, or other mental health, it may increase the risk of family problems and violence. It may alter your thoughts, judgment, and decision-making. It worsens sleep quality, which makes it more difficult to deal with stress.
If you or any of your loved ones are feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to many resources available. Don’t suffer in silence and don’t suffer alone. Look out for neighbors, friends and loved ones. Once you notice that something might be off with their mental health, it’s important that you have a plan for how to deal with it.
I also recommend checking out this handy (yet comprehensive) guide on "Mastering the Art of Stress Management Your Guide to Effective Coping."