Quarantine as Opportunity: Skills to Learn During the Pandemic

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One of the things I love most about my business is that I have the opportunity to transform and empower women through photography. I’m really in the growth and positivity business. That realization hit me a while ago after I recognized a trend in the feedback I was getting from clients who saw themselves differently after their shoot. This idea has become the goal of every shoot!

The pandemic has changed so many things for our world, mostly negatively, but there are positives to be mentioned. We’ve been given a gift of time for introspection; lots of time to ask important questions. For example, “Am I doing the work I want to do?” and “Am I ready for how the world will change?”

I studied up a bit and have a few suggestions of skills that will be more valuable after the pandemic subsides.

  • Data Analytics. This field contains so many different skills but the most important is the ability to distinguish good data from bad and how to use data to make decisions. There are technologies and tools that enable faster analysis of large amounts of data of all kinds and as a result we can better understand things and make better decisions. There are a lot of resources, but this is a good starting point.

  • Creativity. I always thought that creativity was a talent, like someone is born creative or they’re not; but it’s a skill that can be nurtured. It’s essentially the ability to synthesize diverse kinds of information and apply it for new and unique solutions. Though it’s hard to quantify, if you can describe your creative processes, they can be a strong credential! Link.

  • Graphic Design. You don’t have to be a full time graphic designer to get value out of understanding the principles of design. Our use of digital media for communication will only increase and good design understanding can help websites, blogs, powerpoints and email communication stand out. Link

  • Video Production. Cisco estimates that 82% of internet content will be video by 2022 and each younger generation consumes more video than the previous one. Video content is more engaging because it provides more sensory input, so everyone needs to add this to their skillset.


