How speaking at the TEDx Arlington Heights Conference changed one woman's life

I was recently a speaker at the TEDx Arlington Heights Conference and here's an email I got from the organizer of the TEDx Arlington Heights conference

Day 1 of 30 Days of WHOA: Her idea has completely TRANSFORMED my life. I didn't know it would when I reached out to her or when we flushed out her TEDxArlington Heights idea together. For over 4 years I privately stalked Liz Hansen of Chicago Boudoir Photography. I started to dream about doing a boudoir shoot with her and picking out lingerie. I fell in love with the confidence she was fueling into SO many women. Confidence I didn't have about my own body. Life got crazy and my body went through a lot. Somehow in that a lot, I held on to trauma and I curated a life in a very particular safe bubble.

I didn't know it then, but my bubble was a jail of deep rooted limiting beliefs. I had walls around every part of my life. Everything was a thorn to be avoided. A life of prevention.

When I was approved for the TEDxArlington Heights license I KNEW I had to reach out to Liz. I wanted her to speak. She needed to speak. I private messengered on FB and told her openly I had been stalking her. Haha. And then, I invited her to audition to speak. Her IDEA was chosen, and for 4.5 months I stood super cloooose to her idea. And NOT ONCE did her idea ever penetrate beyond my coaching mindset. I was critical and encouraging.

UNTIL, the day of the conference.

I had invited every coach and speaker to be present. Savor the big day and be in the moment. I sat there with my black bug-eyed sunglasses and mix-matched red outfit on, watching Liz stand on the TEDxArlington Heights stage.

Without knowing, without notice, her big idea slid into my soul.

I didn't know it until 24 hours later. When I felt a surge.

How could it be?

How could I could walk alongside her idea for 4.5 months and her idea never penetrate, and then it hits me?

Like WHOA.

Did her idea hit.

It did more than penetrate into my soul.

Liz's idea has challenged me, invited me to rethink how I move in this world and what I know about myself. Like WHOA, her idea helped me realize my entire childhood I was long-legged and unlike my shorter sister, was always told to cover-up my legs and boobs. I would sneak my skirts and shorts into my backpack and change at school. In my 20s, I told people out loud, often, "I don't like the word "sexy," please don't call me "sexy".

I didn't realize this programming from covering up my body would have translated to me mid-life, big boobed, long-legged, and extremely uncomfortable to show my arms or legs or cleavage. Like WHOA, her idea invited me to SEE MYSELF.

In ways I had never explored or entertained.

And, like WHOA, I did what she said.

I took nude photos of myself, for myself, I've walked to the bathroom naked, and I look forward to going into nature nude. I took my nude photos for myself and I cried. Healing tears with an empowerment smirk.

I felt the shift within myself.

And then, I asked her for consent if she wouldn't mind if I shared my photos with her. Of course, she agreed. While I typed out my testimony to her and how her idea has gone on to transform my life. I cried the most beautiful, healing, happy tears.

I was meeting myself for the first time. Seeing myself for the first time.

My body for so long has been a place of worry, fear, neglect, and shame. I had moved through the past 9 years with my body as a hidden canvas.

I laid there in those photos exposed, stunning, flawed, accepting, and most importantly, empowered.

And, like WHOA.

Liz is right, my nude moments these past 3 weeks since she stood on stage, have FUELED the most FIERCE experiences for me ever since. It fueled the confidence to write again and go on a "101 Stay Curious List" journey to meet my limiting beliefs and expand my perspectives, to sign-up to rock climb, and to take my new confidence to run an adventure race helmet-less, sunglass-less, alone, and spiritually free.

Like WHOA, Liz's idea has personally been more than an idea. It's been the most intoxicating awakening, a transformation, a gateway to meeting, seeing, and exploring myself.

I have allowed myself to accept the taboo tax with courage and acceptance (and a bit of nerves) to purchase 2 black lace sheer bodysuits that I'll wear under blazers IN PUBLIC and I've pulled out my mini skirts and plan to wear them with heels IN PUBLIC.

Willing and excited to pay the taboo tax.

So when YOU SEE ME, see the new empowerment, see the self-exploration. And, yes, you might see a yummy long leg or a 3 inch cleavage line. Haha.

Thank you, Liz, for creating amazing opportunities for women, that fueled me to follow you for years, and then to trust me with your legacy.

Like are a gem.

I'm a mom, a woman, a volunteer, a leader, and Liz, your fan forever.

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