Embracing Beauty and Confidence: A Plus-Sized Woman's Guide to a Boudoir Photoshoot

In a world that often places unrealistic beauty standards on women, it's crucial to celebrate and embrace all body types. Boudoir photography has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting self-love, body positivity, and confidence. Regardless of your size, every woman deserves to feel beautiful and empowered - and that’s what our team here at Chicago Boudoir will do!

Here are some tips for plus-sized women who are considering a boudoir photoshoot, to help cultivate a positive self-image and make the most of your experience.

1. Redefine Beauty

It's time to redefine beauty beyond society's narrow definitions. True beauty comes from within and radiates outward. Remember that your size does not define your worth or beauty. Start by acknowledging the uniqueness of your body and appreciating the journey it has taken you on. Cultivating a positive self-image starts with recognizing that you are more than just a number on a scale.

2. Choose Empowerment

A boudoir photoshoot is an opportunity to celebrate your body as it is. Embrace the idea that you have the power to shape your own narrative. Shift your focus from any perceived flaws to the aspects of your body that you love. This mindset shift can transform the way you see yourself in the mirror and in front of the camera.

3. Set Your Intentions

Before the shoot, take some time to set intentions for the experience. Focus on how you want to feel rather than how you want to look. Do you want to feel confident, sensual, or playful?

4. Wardrobe Choices

Choose outfits that make you feel amazing and reflect your personality. Whether it's lingerie, a cozy sweater, or even a favorite T-shirt, wear what makes you feel confident. Embrace variety and experiment with a few different looks for your photoshoot.

5. Embrace Poses and Angles

Liz is a true professional! She knows how to capture your best angles and create flattering poses. She will tell you exactly how to pose and take the guesswork out of it while making you feel comfortable and gorgeous along the way.

6. Focus on Emotion

Great boudoir photography isn't just about showcasing your body; it's about capturing your emotions and personality. Allow yourself to feel and express different emotions during the shoot. Let go of any inhibitions and let your genuine smile, laughter, and confidence shine through.

7. Celebrate the Results

After the photoshoot, take time to celebrate yourself and the journey you've embarked on. Revel in the fact that you've taken a bold step toward embracing your body and boosting your self-image. When you receive the final photos, focus on the emotions they evoke and the sense of empowerment they bring.

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