Keep The Spark Alive: 7 Ways To Rekindle The Intimacy In Your Relationship 

Intimacy is fundamental to many healthy relationships. But as you move out of the honeymoon phase, the spark between you and your partner can start to fade over time. It’s natural and normal, but it’s not something you simply have to accept. 

If you’re noticing there’s a bit of a fizzle in your current relationship and want to keep the fire of passion burning, then consider these seven ways to rekindle the intimacy in your relationship. 

1. Communicate Your Needs

Communication is key to any healthy relationship. While talking about intimacy with your partner may be a tricky subject to broach, it’s a necessary part of rekindling the spark between the two of you. 

It’s important that you talk openly and honestly about your desires, concerns, and feelings. Now would be the time when you bring up what you would like to see more of, and perhaps what turns you on. 

It’s equally as important that you take the time to listen to what your partner wants to communicate. Make sure that you are receptive to what they are saying and that you avoid blaming them for any of your intimacy issues. This will only isolate them and put them into defense mode. Rather, focus on working towards solutions together.

2. Touch Affectionately 

Touching is fundamental to building intimacy, but it can easily become less of a priority over time. That’s why you should make an effort to touch one another, whether that touch is a back or shoulder rub, by holding hands or simply hugging each other. 

Touching releases a hormone called Oxytocin AKA the love hormone, which promotes closeness and bonding. By focusing on touching each other more affectionately, you’ll start to feel more connected to your partner and better about your intimacy.  

3. Make Time For Your Partner

A feeling of closeness is essential to intimacy, so carve out some time to spend on activities that bring you and your partner pleasure. You could practice flirting or spend quality time cuddling on the couch while watching a romantic movie, or going for a walk together. 

Focusing on each other without distractions will help to rekindle intimacy. And don’t forget to put distractions like your phone away! Make this all about the two of you, no one else.

4. Book A Boudoir Photoshoot

Boudoir photoshoots capture intimate and sensual moments in a private and romantic setting. Booking a boudoir photo shoot can be great for boosting confidence and making you feel sexy and attractive. It’s also a fun way of spicing up the intimacy between you and your partner, so it’s a double win. 

These photoshoots can be tailored to your preferences and styles. So, if lingerie is your thing, then grab a sexy outfit, but if you want it to be more subtle then you can go for a natural look—it’s all up to you! 

You could also do a photo shoot secretly and give the pictures to your partner as a surprise. They’ll love that you took the initiative and that you want to share this side of yourself with them again. 

Either way, a boudoir photo shoot is a unique and creative way to spice up and rekindle intimacy. 

5. Try New Things 

Experiencing new things together will create shared experiences and memories for you and your partner. It can also make your relationship feel exciting and fresh. 

Try new things that will physically bring you closer, like dance classes or a couple’s massage. Learning something new together will offer you a dose of dopamine and boost intimacy. 

You could also try new things in the bedroom. Have an open conversation about your kinks or fetishes and see if you can accommodate each other. You could experiment with something that you had always dreamed of doing together, like roleplay. If it works out, great. If it leaves you both in fits of giggles, you’re still building an intimate connection.

Another way of spicing up your time in the bedroom is to try new positions, use sex toys or romantic music, and spice up the locations. Forget about your bedroom! Give the shower a try or the kitchen counter. Doing this will make your sex life feel less like a routine and more exciting. 

6. Plan Date Nights 

It’s so important to have dedicated alone time with your partner on a regular basis. This is a great way of showing your partner that you care about them and that you still want to impress them. Make a proper date night plan, dress up and don that sexy lingerie that you packed away at the back of your closet. This can make them feel special, and in turn, can have benefits for your levels of intimacy. 

Planning date nights in between busy work schedules can be a challenge, but there’s always an option. If you can’t carve out the time for a fancy meal, then plan a backyard moonlit picnic. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! 

7. Talk It Out

When you’ve been together for a while, you’re more likely to have had some heated arguments and disagreements. Once the fighting in a relationship starts, so does the building of resentment and negativity, which can have disastrous consequences on your levels of intimacy. 

At the end of the day, you are partners. You should be able to talk about everything, from sex and the type of contraception you use to who’s doing the dishes, without starting a fight. If you can’t talk it out, you need to take steps towards fixing this so that you can relight that spark without feelings of resentment getting in the way.

If you struggle to express your needs and if you butt heads when trying to come up with solutions to your problems, there’s no shame in visiting a couple’s counselor or therapist. Because they’re trained professionals, they can provide you with the necessary tools to rekindle your spark and build a stronger connection. 

Relight Your Fire!

If you’re lacking intimacy and want to relight that fire, don’t wait. Book that boudoir shoot, plan a date night and get touchy with your partner. The fire in a relationship needs stoking every now and again, and now you know how to fan the flames!

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