What is Erotic? An Important Distinction.

Eroticism is defined as an aesthetic that arouses emotions. Erotica is a form of art in which Eroticism plays a vital role. Erotica, however, does not have to be sexual and should not be confused as being synonymous with pornography. Erotica deals with all things sensual; while Eroticism focuses on pleasure derived from visual stimulation leading to arousal of the senses or mind. Erotism can also deal with physical touch/sensation such as tickling or warm caressing sensation which causes arousal and pleasurable feelings (pleasure).

Erotic photography is simply taking photographs which will stimulate emotion arousal within the viewer and cause them to experience sensations similar to those felt by the subject who poses for the erotic photographer. Erotic photography is a form of art which can be appreciated without being aroused by it. Erotic artists create for the reason of expressing themselves and creating beauty; not as an attempt to stimulate others. Eroticism and pornography are two completely different things. Erotic photographers do not shoot or pose for sexual purposes, they seek to explore their artistic side, experiment with self expression and expose some private aspect about themselves or a subject they feel passionate about.

Erotic photographers produce images that display the beauty in nudity while trying to capture moments which flatter the subjects body, contour and overall presence. Eroticism is present when posing appears natural even though there are many factors considered by the photographer before taking any photos such as: lighting, composition, model interaction and the overall theme of the photo shoot.

An erotic woman is a female who uses her sexual allure to put herself in a powerful position. She is not necessarily beautiful, and even if she has a superior body, it does not need to be exposed for men's enjoyment. Her eroticism comes from within, from the way she attracts and seduces. Erotic photography is not about showing female nudity in order to sexually arouse viewers.

Erotic photography is less about the visible body, and more about the invisible mind and emotions that are naturally exposed when being photographed. Erotica has nothing to do with obscenity, vulgarity or lewdness. Eroticism is artfully displayed without using sexuality as a direct focal point of attraction by the photographer or subject matter. Eroticism can be found throughout nature in any number of natural beauty and human-made designs whether we observe them consciously or not. Nature alone can provide photographers with many options for strong Erotic images such as fire, which burns brightly and intensely yet quickly dies out; water transforming from a bubbly stream into a raging ocean capable of swallowing up everything in its path; as well as many other Erotic images found in patterns throughout our universe such as lunar phases, flower petals, leaves blowing gently on the wind, and so on. Eroticism is an important element when photographing subjects who are passionate about something be it art or dance or music.

Eroticism can also be found in a persons eyes which the Erotic photographer would focus their camera lens lovingly upon to capture an expression filled with passion. Erotica is not limited to just nudity but often times deals with various forms of non-sexual activity whether clothed or unclothed. Some Erotic photographers may choose to take semi-clothed Erotic images of their subjects in the form of a pin-up girl. Erotica is an act or instance that causes sexual excitement, Eroticism can be found anywhere you look as long as you know how to open your eyes. Eroticism is a generalized term referring to seductive art which may not necessarily involve sex at all; but rather serve to express emotions and feelings through visual stimulation.


Distinguishing erotic from eroticism also helps us understand our own sexuality more deeply, thus enabling us to use our erotic potential without feeling ashamed about it. Eroticism does not imply immorality or sexiness; neither does it mean that everything exhibited is intended solely for physical arousal (although there are Erotic images which one may find arousing). Eroticism is a more formal term. Erotica, on the other hand, is generally used to describe that material featuring or dealing explicitly with sex or eroticism (as distinct from Erotic art).

Eroticism could refer to many things in this world such as flowers, clouds and even people. The most common types of Erotic photography include: nude photography, figure studies and other forms of models modeling clothing for artistic purposes. Erotica typically refers to various forms of media whose primary purpose is sexual arousal. Erotic photography tends to be soft focus which produces flattering results while Erotica can be sharp and crisp showing bumps and flaws in order to illicit arousal.