How to Spot a Narcissist

I want to highlight an important concept that everyone needs to know - how to spot a narcissist. I meet many women who have been abused or had their hearts broken by narcissists. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a medical diagnosis and is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists are sometimes hard to identify as many of them are charismatic and accomplished.

However, they suffer from an extreme need for recognition and an expectation for special favors. They often act out when they don’t get what they want. They also have a tendency toward alcoholism and drug abuse which brings a whole different set of issues.

From my vantage point as an amateur psychologist, I tend to think that most people have dealt with a narcissist at some point in their lives. Whether it’s in romantic relationships or at work or within our immediate family, these characteristics can really cause us a lot of suffering.

There are ways to deal with a narcissist and avoid the abuse they can heap on you. Step one is identifying a narcissist. According to Psychology Today, here are the things to watch out for:

  1. A grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievements and talents

  2. Dreams of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

  3. Requires excessive admiration

  4. Believes he or she is special and unique, and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or of high-status people (or institutions)

  5. Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others

  6. Unreasonably expects special, favorable treatment or compliance with his or her wishes

  7. Exploits and takes advantage of others to achieve personal ends

  8. Envies others or believes they’re envious of him or her

  9. Has “an attitude” of arrogance or acts that way

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