Boudoir shoot today? Here's Your Horoscope!
Aries You love to be the first to try a new pose, but trusting your experienced photographer is what gets you the best images. Resisting too much against Liz’s posing guidance could totally disrupt the shoot. Though you may have frustrations resist the urge to badmouth your co-workers when you’re chatting in hair and makeup.
Taurus You may find yourself in a hot argument before you come into the studio. Feeling an urge to sling some insults? Hitting below the belt will only bring out strong emotions during your shoot. Stick to your guns, but try to be diplomatic. And if it looks like the two can’t agree, take a pause! Tears during the shoot will ruin your makeup.
Gemini Beware today, you may go too far and drink too much alcohol or lose your cool because you’re excited for your shoot. Self-control could be hard to come by today. Don’t make any rash decisions with a romantic relationship today until after your shoot. Tread lightly when you’re feeling the need to be direct and wait for a calm moment to gather your thoughts.
Cancer Getting walked on by the one you love? Are you desperate for his approval? Be strong, Cancer! This boudoir shoot is first and foremost for YOU. You’re going to emerge with more confidence and swagger and you’re going re-balance the dynamic in your relationship!
Leo Willpower will be in short supply today and your anxiety levels will be on the rise. You may think that the answer is to put yourself down. Believe in yourself! You will look like a supermodel today during your boudoir shoot. Trust your photographer and you’re going to be floored with the result!
Virgo Sorry about all of the drama going on for you! You may think you can solve others’ problems, but if this issue doesn’t really involve you, then don’t engage! You’ve got major self care coming in the form of your shoot today. Conflicts will pop up around you, but you need to stay cool, calm and composed.
Libra Loose lips sink ships! You may feel tempted to share a major secret, but be careful to choose someone you can trust. The best strategy? Spend the morning focused on getting the most out of your shoot and once you’re done with your session, a moment to speak with a trusted friend will present itself.
Scorpio Having trouble with a tough decision? Who can you trust to talk you through it? Instead of doing something foolhardy, delay your decision while you consult more people. Your hair and makeup artist and your photographer would be great people to bounce ideas around with. You’ll have your answer very soon.
Sagittarius Trust your gut! That’s why you ended up booking a boudoir shoot—you knew it would go great. There IS something shady going on with someone close to you or someone you’re working with. You have good instincts. Before confronting them, get your facts straight.
Capricorn You could be tempted to overshare today while you’re chatting with a loose acquaintance. Remember that you don’t have to share all your personal information to get people to like you. You’re a strong woman and you’ve got big things in your future. Embrace that confidence in all your interactions today.
Aquarius Someone may try to talk you into doing something you’d regret. Stay strong today, even if it costs you a friend. If you give ground on this point, you’ll never truly be friends anyway. All your worries will be forgotten once you finish your boudoir shoot today, something you regret not doing sooner.
Pisces Surround yourself with people who match your energy level today. If you suspect that a close connection is going to unload on you emotionally, rescheduled that meeting for tomorrow. You don’t have time for this kind of thing, you have a boudoir shoot to focus on.
The signs point to you having a great experience in the Chicago Boudoir Photography Studio