A History of Boudoir - 1800's to Present Day

Chicago Boudoir Presents:

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  • 1800’s EARLY ERA: Nude or erotic photographs of women date back as far as daguerreotypes in 1840. French Postcards depicting nude women became very popular in the USA in the late 1800's.

  • 1920’s PROGRESSIVE ERA: Skirts were getting shorter and 20's women seized greater control of their sexuality and even started wearing (GASP) pants. Though nudity in photographs was illegal in places like the USA and England, artists like Albert Arthur Allen created artful photographs depicting nude women posing against decorative backdrops

  • 1940’s and 1950’s PIN-UP ERA: "Sex sells!" was the unspoken mantra of the era! For example, photographs of lovely and curvy women were effective in boosting morale for soldiers fighting in WWII and Korea.

  • 1970’s ARTFUL NUDITY: Photography became a mainstream art medium and erotic pictures at this time were raw and honest rather than the idealized images of the past.

  • 2000’s EROTICISM AND EMPOWERMENT: Women of the 21st century have made major strides towards equality in all facets of society. Boudoir has become an experience for women to celebrate every body type and to feel beautiful and sexy--they do it for themselves.